Aug 20, 2023
Brake pads are an essential component to the operation of your vehicle. When they wear out unevenly on either side, it generally points to a bigger problem with the braking system. This post will discuss brake pad wear and what to do if they are wearing out unevenly.
Brake wear sensors are electronic sensors that tell you when it’s time to change your brake pads. This handy electronic tool was pioneered in high-end German vehicles. It can help you identify if your brakes are wearing unevenly. Before electronic wear sensors, there were mechanical wear indicators. These were made from a springy piece of metal attached to the brake pad. As the pad wore down to a certain point, the springy metal piece would start dragging on the rotor and make noise. These worked well until cars began to be more soundproofed, and then it became difficult to hear them. Read more about wear sensors here.
Brake pads are intended to wear out evenly on each side of the same axle. Brake systems are designed so equal brake pressure is applied to each side of the vehicle. If everything is working correctly, the brake pads will wear out evenly. If your brake pads start to wear out unevenly, it usually points to another problem in the braking system.
When brake systems are relatively new, they are pretty trouble-free. As brake systems age, several potential mechanical causes of uneven brake pad wear show up.
Add: No.1 Kunlunshan Roand, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China
Tel: +8615954884757
Mob: +8618561389503
Qingdao Binke Auto Parts Co., Ltd. is focused on producing racing,upgraded and replacement brake system components for automobiles
Qingdao Binke Auto Parts Co., Ltd